chief mischief maker
Daeus Anastasi

This character and the pages with info about him contain mature themes and materials. Please turn back now if you are underage or do not want to engage with that content.
Just Dae Things
21+ | IG/Discord | Crystal/Goblin
CW: Kidnapping, Slavery, SA, Sex Work, Drugs,

{Pre-ARR} Born in a cozy little snow burrow on the Glacies.{Pre-ARR} Abducted from the burrow by Garlean scientists looking for a literal lab rabbit.{Pre-ARR} Raised in a top-secret laboratory as a literal animal, trained to participate in Project Daybreak - a series of experiments to begin when he reached maturity that aimed to make use of the Viera tendency to litter and a single classified instance of a Glacies Viera giving birth to a child who seemed to be entirely a powerful pureblooded Garlean to essentially breed an army.{Pre-ARR} Varis yae Galvus discovers the project and takes over, intrigued by the possibilities if it was successful.
{Pre-ARR} First (unplanned) attempt unsuccessful, litter removed from breeder after two weeks.{Pre-ARR} A devastated Daybreak accompanies His Highness to a house party in provincial Garlemald. There he meets another enslaved Viera named Lysander.{Pre-ARR} Allagan technology is provided to the researchers to facilitate modification of the subject to continue their efforts.{Pre-ARR} Daybreak is subjected to a series of painful and invasive procedures. He nearly dies, and comes away from them with damaged eyesight and chronic fatigue, but also with something akin to a precursor to the Resonance.{Pre-ARR} Second attempt is successful. Subject Daybreak produces 6 pureblooded children, removed at birth to be placed in care appropriate to their station.{Pre-ARR to ARR} Further attempts continue to be successful. Fifteen successful pureblooded litters are produced overall - a total of 103 future soldiers produced.{ARR} The death of Emperor Solus without a named heir throws many things into chaos. Varis finally ascends the throne and Project Daybreak can finally relax some of its intensive security protocols.{Post-ARR} Emperor Varis sends cloning technology to the researchers to replicate Daybreak to begin the boosting of their numbers in earnest.{Post-ARR} With a veritable army of clones being grown, Daybreak is no longer necessary to project integrity. He is given over to the Emperor's personal custody, where he serves as a body slave and pet for what amusement he can provide.{HW} Daybreak accompanies the Emperor on his ascension tour of the provinces.{HW} Their ship is attacked by Limsan privateers. Daybreak is captured in the raid and sold to a less-than-reputable Limsan pleasure barge.{Post-HW} Lysander Myste (now himself a free man) is approached by representatives of the barge with a supposed business opportunity. He and Milo L'oatel decide to test whether or not this place is on the level. It is not. Many people are kicked into the sea.{Post-HW} Daybreak returns with Lysander and Milo to their home in Ishgard, where he begins the process of deprogramming and trying to have something like a normal life.{StB} Daybreak - going by Dae now - gives birth to a very small litter while living in Lysander's establishment, The Burrow.
1. I am a player who believes in negotiated consent. If something comes up in the course of RP that I am uncomfortable with, I will reach out OOC to touch base on how we can move forward from here - and I invite anyone writing with me to do the same! If there is something you are unsure of, please ask.
2. No minors. No minor characters. No minor players. This character and his stories have themes in which I will not include minors. In this vein, respect the time-honored rule; don't lewd lalas.

3. I am happy to write conflict and antagonists. However, it is important that no one 'rps to win.' There is no winning in rp, there is just making stories. If we don't all walk away happy as writers, we've all lost.
4. Either in-game or discord is fine for any of the above communication needs. However, for ongoing plots, I vastly prefer Discord for roleplay.
5. IC is not OOC. Player and character are very different. Shitposting sometimes blurs those lines and that's okay, but the delineation is important when talking about actual narrative arcs, scenes, and in those OOC instances where harm has been caused.
6. I am an adult with a life and also a form of blindness. This means I sometimes miss things in game chat. If you think I'm ignoring you, I'm almost certainly not. Shoot me a /tell, a message on Discord, or make sure to include Dae's name in a post so it pings me.

Courtesan Dae works in Ishgard as a courtesan in an establishment on the edge of the Brume known as The Burrow. He sees clients for all kinds of needs - sometimes the sort of thing one typically sees a courtesan for, but other times simply for a massage, a cup of soothing herbal tea, or a patient ear and a gentle word of encouragement.Tarot Dae has a deep connection with aetheric flow and a particularly keen soulsight. These things work in tandem with his tarot deck - a series of beautifully painted cards that neither need nor have words upon them - to let him act as a sounding board for the turmoil in someone's heart, letting in some fresh air and often a clarity of thought. While he will do this during the parlor's staffed hours, it's preferable to do at a quieter time.
Healer Above all else, Dae is a healer. It's this desire to soothe and nurture the people around him that fuels nearly everything else that he does, but he is also one in the more traditional sense - and a powerful one, at that. If you need healing magic above and beyond what conventional wisdom says is possible, he may be able to help.The Gentlemen In the winding streets of Ishgard there is a little townhouse ideally situated in the busy sector that plays host to a patchwork coalition of Hrothgar expats who refer to themselves as The Gentlemen of Boulevard le Blanc or just The Gentlemen, for short. Old soldiers who never thought they would live through the war they fought, they have battled boredom and the lonely ache for home by forming this 'gentlemen's club' makeshift pride, and have (through a hilarious sequence of events) decided that Dae is their regina - the healer who carries children, leads their people, and must be protected at all costs. He has come to adore them dearly; they are who babysit his children when he has to leave the Burrow.(A lot of Baker Street Irregulars themes to be had with the Gentlemen and I want very much to do more with them. If you play Hrothgar and this is at all of interest to you, please reach out I would love to include more people in their silliness!)Garlemald The place where Dae spent the vast majority of his life, there are any number of possible connections here. A researcher who worked on the project, one of the soldiers ordered to assist the scientists and spend a heat with him, one of his many, many children (both Viera and Garlean pureblood alike) out in the world, a member of the Imperial royal guard... any of these are perfectly viable tie-ins and there's room for many others over so many years spent there.Limsa Crime Got a pirate or a member of the Limsan underbelly? Involved in human trafficking or the pleasure barges? We should definitely talk - it's entirely possible they've met, or at least have heard of one another.
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